Check this out:
Got this graph from
The article is titled “This Really Depressing Graph about
the Economy is Turning Heads.” Which it
should. I share it here with you. The source is Pavlina Tcherneva, who is an
economist at Bard College, in Annandale-on-Hudson,
New York, and the Levy Economics
Institute, a think tank associated with the college, using data from Piketty
and Saez. Basically it shows the wealthy’s
control of the economy increasing until now the growth of their wealth and
income is obtained by plundering the rest of the economy, which is to say us,
the rest of the people. The graph charts
increase in income, but you better believe the rich are getting richer, at our expense, we are getting poorer. Not much of a recovery, this latest, when it
is gotten for a few by preying on the many.
Thanks, Yahoo, for the pointer, on Sept. 25, 2014.