Push up economics:
Many conservative middle class voters are resentful of the poor,
thinking them shiftless and lazy, paying no taxes and often instead collecting
unjustified income from the government. 71
percent of Republicans, for instance, in a recent poll, said “they believed the
poor should not be exempt from income taxes.” Well, the poor are not ‘exempt.’ They just don’t make enough income to make
it to the positive tax rate. Do any of the middle class want to trade places with the poor?
The middle class should be grateful to the poor, and the
labor they provide. The poor often work
hard, for mean wages, making a significant contribution to middle class welfare. Also, as consumers, the poor purchase an important
portion of the production of the middle class, and help keep the members of the
middle class in business and employed. Many middle class businesses, and their employees, owe their
profit margins, and continuing business, to the purchases of the poor. The poor represent at least 15% of the
population, and even if their purchasing power is much less, it is enough to
make a difference. And they provide other opportunities for
middle class income and activity. By
cutting off supports to the poor, or by raising taxes on the poor, the middle
class will do themselves no favor. Indeed,
instead, by providing more opportunity to the poor, by improving their welfare,
the middle class will improve their own situation.
More money comes up to the middle class from the poor, than comes down to them from the wealthy. Indeed, the wealthy take their profit from the middle class.
For a nice summary of some of the functions poverty and the
poor serve for the rest of society, and
in particular the middle class, see Herbert J Gans: “The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All.”: http://www.sociology.org.uk/as4p3.pdf