Our study of oligopsonies will follow our study of
oligopolies, which the reader will find helpful to refer to. Oligopsonies are another example of the
macroeconomic effects of microeconomic processes. The derivation is based on the idea of the
kinked supply curve, which may be out there but doesn’t seem easy to find. That
oligopsonies create market distortion is well known.
We discuss competitive oligopsonies, where collusion is not
For your convenience a little background. Oligopsonies are
ubiquitous. It seems many markets evolve into them. Although consumers do not directly experience
them, (except in labor markets,) they may often occur as the back end of
oligopolies. One oligopsony is the fast food industry, which forms an
oligopsony to meat sellers. It also
forms an oligopoly to cheeseburger buyers.
(A suggested word is oligonomy. See: http://activism101.ning.com/profiles/blogs/oligonomy-defined)
The factors, goods or services which go into the oligopolist’s product, which
are unique to an oligopoly, face oligopsony.
Other examples of (non-labor) oligopsony are 1: Cocoa
market, where three firms buy the vast majority of cocoa. 2:
American tobacco market, where three cigarette makers buy 90% of all
tobacco grown in the US .
3: the culinary herb market.
The various drug
cartels may also constitute a oligopsony
for drug producers, and an oligopoly for drug users.
The characteristics of an oligopsony are 1: It consists of a relatively few, relatively
large, buyers. 2: Each firm is big enough to affect the others.
That is, the prices each firm pays affect the prices paid by the other firms.
3: The goods or services they buy are
similar or identical. 4: There are barriers to entry, such as initial
capital costs. A firm needs to be capitalized to have a profitable use for what
it buys.
Those not interested in the derivation may jump ahead to the
discussion at the conclusion. Those
interested might also find discussions on monopsony helpful. Here’s one:
Since oligopsonies are buyers instead of sellers, instead of
a kinked demand curve, the individual oligopsonist faces a kinked supply curve,
S, which
is also his average cost curve
AC, This is the price he pays for his goods,. Diagram
1 shows this supply curve for a particular oligopsonist. The oligopsonist wants to buy at the kink, a which is at some
price pa,
which is really determined by the market, and some quantity qa,
which is determined by other factors, which we will discuss in the conclusion. In
any event, the kink at which he buys is at a lower price than the price at
competitive equilibrium, (around e)
and a smaller quantity. His total cost
is price times quantity bought, or pa
x qa.
Why does he want to buy at price pa? If he lowers the prices he offers below pa,
to pb,
hoping to save money, none of his competitors will follow. Since his prices are below theirs, and
because they are all buying the same of similar goods, sellers will go to his
competition, and he will lose market share. (Note the assumption that there is
not so much to sell, that many buyers
will have to come to him, anyway.) If the price he offers goes down a little,
the quantity of goods he is able to buy will go way down, to qb.
This is the characteristic of an elastic
supply curve. As you move down the
curve, the quantity the oligopsoninst is able to buy goes down. Since these goods are factors of production,
the oligopsonist can no longer produce at the same scale as before, cutting
into his profit margins.
Suppose instead he raises the prices he offers, from pa
to pc,
hoping to gain market share. Then his
competitors will quickly follow suit, since they don’t want to lose their market
share to him. So he won’t gain market
share, he’ll just be buying at a higher price.
He may, however, buy a few more, at qc,
just because his and everybody’s price is higher. This is
characteristic of an inelastic supply curve.
Since his costs per unit are higher, his profit margins are likely to be
slimmer, since he won’t be producing appreciably more of his product.
Now for a firm to maximize profits, its marginal costs, MC, must equal
its marginal revenue product, MRP,
which is also its demand curve, D. This is always the case, but what does this
mean? The marginal revenue product, MRP, is the use
the oligopsonist gets out of the next unit he buys. This is (mostly) a decreasing function
because of the law of diminishing returns.
This decreasing function is what we show in the diagram. (But we say
mostly because consider our restauranteur buying labor. In his case the first
worker is useless. He is simply not enough to run a restaurant. So his
MRP for
labor starts at zero and increases until
it reaches some maximum, then decreases steadily, since further workers start
getting in each other’s way and contribute an ever decreasing amount to his
total profit. Most analyses ignore this,
and you can, too. For goods, the MRP is usually a simpler, a steadily decreasing
function, although again economies of scale would make it first go up.)
Marginal cost is the increase in cost that results from buying
one more unit. For imperfect competition, as we have in the
case of oligopsonies, MC
is always more than the average cost, AC. (AC is also the supply curve, S, remember.) This is because when you buy more units, you
have to buy them at a higher price, but you have to buy all your units at that higher price. So if
the firm buys 4 units for $60 and has to pay $90 for 5 units, then the marginal
cost of the fifth unit is $30. The
average cost however, is $18, and lower than the marginal cost.
Profit is maximized when MRP
= MC because when MC
is greater than MRP,
it costs more to buy the next unit than you get use out of it. With the figures we used, you would buy 4
units for $60, get use out of them for $100, (manufacture some things you can
sell for $100, say,) and make $40 profit.
If you were maximizing profit, you wouldn’t then buy 5 units for $90,
having use of them for $125, and only make $35 profit.
See Diagram
2. The marginal revenue product MRP curve is
the downward sloping line.
With the kinked supply or AC
curve, the MC
curve is very strange. The ACL and the MCL
curve, the curves below the kink, both start at the same point on the axis, (in
the direction where the arrows come together,) but the MCL
curve ascends more steeply, twice as steep, it turns out. When they reach the
kink, however, the MCU and ACU curves, the curves above the kink, also extend
from a point on the axis, (much lower on the axis) in the direction of the
dotted arrows, so the MCU curve, being twice
as steep as the ACU curve, is much higher than the MCL curve at the kink. (The upper and lower labels
are for convenience. They are just
different parts of the same line.)
What is important is the green line, the marginal cost MCV
curve at the kink, which is vertical.
Now since, when we maximize profit, MRP
= MC, when ever MRP
crosses the green MCV
line, (at the star,) the profit maximizing quantity qa and price pa are going to stay the same. See Diagram
3. The firm, whether its marginal
revenue product curve is MRP1, or MRP2 or MRP3
is going to want to buy the same amount qa, and pay the
same price pa. This will maximize its profit.
Conclusion: Since firms in oligopsonistic competition
tend to be locked in to price, they must find other ways to compete, and
maintain or gain market share. The
leader of a drug cartel, for instance, might resort to escalating levels of
violence to secure market share. (We
make the casual observation that one need look no further than oligopsony, (and
oligopoly,) pricing to deduce a cause for Keynesian ‘price stickiness.’ In an economy rife with oligopsony we would
expect many points of price, and quantity, fixedness, making deflation a uneven
and problematic process.)
Consider MRP3 in Diagram 3. The oligopsonist would not want to
lower marginal revenue product any more, through non-price competition, because
then his profit maximization would occur at a price lower than pa,
and he would lose market share.
However, the opposite can also happen. Since price is, with in a range, independent
of costs, the oligopsonist may decide to increase his MRP,
use what he buys more efficiently, and so increase his profit that way.
Oligopsonies do not consist of identical or identically
sized firms, with identical shares of the market. The quantity a particular
oligopsonist buys at is determined by historical factors, and his ability, or
inclination, to compete in ways which do not affect the price he offers for the
goods or services he buys. Working conditions, for instance, may be one way a
labor oligopsonist may attract a better class of laborer, enhance his MRP, and so his
profits. Historical factors, for instance, most notably their activities during
the period their industry was more competitive and open, determined the
relative sizes of Wendy’s, McDonald’s and Burger King before they filled the
market and became an oligopsony. Decisions
since have changed their relative sizes and profitability.
Another point is that, unlike perfect competition, firms of
various efficiencies can co-exist in an oligopsony, operating at differing
capacities and different economies of scale, each firm collecting its
particular degree of profit. And unlike
perfect competition, much of this profit
is extra-normal. Even an inefficient
firm can make an extra-normal profit.
What other things might we expect? Well, we would expect the transfer of some producer
surplus to the buyer, in the form of his extra-normal profits. (The oligopsonistic
buyer is seldom the ultimate consumer.) Consider that oligopsonies are becoming
economically pervasive. Each of these
oligopsonies extracts its rent, transferring resources from producers, to the
oligopsonists. Indeed, to simplify
considerations, let us just model the entire economy as two tiers, consisting
of an oligopsony and those who sell to it.
Consider first perfect competition, where the economy was efficient and
in balance, Diagram
Supply equals demand and the equilibrium point e, and surplus
is divided between seller and buyer. With oligopsony, Diagram 5, there is a net transfer
of surplus from the seller to the oligopsonists. (the greenish-yellow box) In the real economy, this would be manifest
as lower producer profits. We would thus
expect a gradual decapitalization of producers.
In a labor oligopsony, we would expect decrease
in the welfare of labor, as the increase in the income of the oligopsonist has
to come from somewhere.
Efficiency has also declined because an oligopsony buys less
than the competitive equilibrium production, at a lower price creating what is
called deadweight loss: The blue
triangle in Diagram
5. (I’m not sure if the blue
triangle is exactly the right one, as I am not sure the exact location of the
point of competitive equilibrium in the absence of oligopsony.) That is, the
economy is producing less than it would otherwise, perhaps less than it needs
to. In a labor market, this would imply
increased levels of unemployment. For
instance, since the public sector also supplies the private sector, as the
private sector becomes increasingly organized as oligopsony, we would expect
public sector income, supported by taxes on labor costs, to decrease. We would also expect, due to dead weight
loss, an increasing shortage of public goods.